The World of Beauty Collaborations, Where Fame is Man-Given Brands—ask not what the personalities can do for you, but consider how well they can represent you.
Capturing an Icon: What It Takes to Truly Captivate Whole Generations The reign of an ideal used to last longer than a fortnight. Take a page from these Malaysian eternal beauties and find yours.
Mirror, Mirror, in My Phone: How Beauty Filters Corrupts Mental Health Are virtual beauty filters doing harm in real life?
The Halal Gap: The Next Beauty Frontier Halal beauty is more than just on the horizon. It’s currently ascending to greater heights, so why is it still slow to take?
Chew On This: What’s with All the Food-Inspired Labels in the Complexion Segment? Bottling fantastic formulations is half the battle. Once you’ve given it a name, it can take on a life of its own.