Secondhand shopping means giving an article of clothing a second life. By donating or selling, we’re extending an item’s lifecycle, keeping it out of landfills or the back of our closets. Among the pre-owned items that sell best are second-hand clothing pieces. This trend is also expanding because second-hand clothing has become more accessible, especially with the proliferation of apps and online stores specializing in the resale of second-hand clothing like momox fashion, as well as because big department stores are getting involved and small boutiques are popping up.
But what’s behind the hype? What are the advantages of second-hand clothing? Here are three reasons why pre-owned clothes are on the rise.
Save Money with Secondhand Clothing
Budget is one of the most cited reasons among second-hand consumers. Opting for secondhand clothing is a way to cut costs. These items aren’t brand new, thus their prices are significantly reduced. However, “previously worn” doesn’t mean the clothes are worn out. Secondhand clothing shops often sort through items before offering them for resale.
This allows everyone to indulge and treat their loved ones without breaking the bank. It’s also an opportunity to purchase high-end products, branded apparel, or unique items that are otherwise prohibitively expensive when new, all at more affordable prices. Ultimately, the secondhand sector enables shoppers to find great deals throughout the year.
Step Away from Overconsumption to Help the Planet
The second reason given by secondhand clothing enthusiasts is the environmental concern. Overconsumption, fueled by fast fashion, has become a real scourge for our planet.
Between 2000 and 2015, clothing consumption has increased by 60%. New collections every season, or even every month, low prices, and non-durable clothes… Each year, the world consumes about 130 billion items of clothing. Production rates have become insane.
All of this results in enormous waste, but more importantly, the production process creates immense pollution. The environmental impact of a fast-fashion garment is horrendous. To illustrate, a pair of jeans can travel the equivalent of 1.5 times around the earth from the cotton field to the retail store where they’re sold. Cotton fields, which are incredibly water-intensive, are expanding; plastics and cardboard for transport have become indispensable; factories consume a lot of resources and energy…
By purchasing secondhand clothing, you’re opting out of this cycle of overconsumption. Pre-owned clothes have already been made and used, which reduces both your carbon footprint and waste. Furthermore, most physical and online secondhand stores operate on a circular economy model, supporting a different system.
Discover Unique Secondhand Clothing
As everyone knows, fashion is cyclical. By choosing secondhand clothing, you gain access to unique pieces that are no longer on the market, but are coming back into style or will soon. Vintage thrift stores are particularly trendy right now. Young consumers especially value luxurious vintage fashion items.
Secondhand clothes offer an escape from the mainstream and department stores that stock similar items. It’s a chance to stand out, finding unique and stylish second-hand garments. There’s the thrill of discovering that special, heart-stopping item.
This story originally appeared on GRAZIA USA.