As the dark moon invites introspection and quiet all week, we’re dealt a second hit of the go-slows courtesy of Mercury retrograde. Officially kicking off on Tuesday AEST (Monday GMT), it marks the start of a three week period (until 16 December AEST; 15 December GMT) where information, ideas and communication could go a little haywire. Now is the time to get comfortable with ambiguity, as decisions that were made earlier in November begin to unravel.
On a deeper level, it’s a great reminder to slow down and reflect. When Mercury is in Sagittarius, it’s easy to run your mouth or overshare. This week, consider how and where you could use a sacred pause to think before you speak. The week closes out with a new moon in Sagittarius – a great opportunity to set some new goals that balance lofty ideals within more pragmatic frameworks.
Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at theastrologyofyou.com to learn your sign.
Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.
Hey, where do you think you’re going so fast? This week could feel a bit like you’re being intercepted by a slow-talking relative, as you try to escape a family gathering and catch a flight. You want to move fast, but no matter how hard you spin your wheels, you just… can’t. If you are literally planning on travelling this week (especially anything long-haul), you’ll do well to expect things to take a little longer than usual. Remember it’s a delay – not a disaster – and totally manageable, especially if you’re planning for a few little speed bumps along the way.
There is a season for everything and this week Taureans are in Excel spreadsheet season. Yes, dull as it may sound, this week several celestial bodies are sending you a very clear message: roll up your sleeves and get into your life admin. With both Mercury retrograde and a new moon nudging you in the direction of your junk drawer. You could fight it, or you could do yourself a favour and tackle your tax return, renegotiate your home loan rate or finally do that expense claim you’ve been dodging.
There’s some stimulating weather in the air this week and your relationships look set to feel the force of it. Conversations you’ve had with your significant other – or your best mate – are likely to reemerge, as Mercury retrograde prompts you (or them) to ask, “Um, you know that thing you said? What did you actually mean by that?” If you’re shy of conflict, don’t panic – a conversation does need not escalate to a confrontation. This is a time to let whoever you’re dealing with have their chance to speak. You don’t have to like it, but you at least owe them the chance to share their perspective.
Hey, how are you feeling – in your body, in your daily routine, in your job? This week the sky is asking you that very question, and it seems rude not to at least entertain how you might respond. As Mercury, the Sun and, on Sunday, the Moon, pull focus on the realm of your physical health, your schedule and the day-to-day grind of your job, Cancerians are receiving a cosmic nudge to notice what’s working – and what’s not. Think of the next three weeks as a reconnaissance mission more than an immediate overhaul. Notice where the cracks emerge, and only then start to make changes. Pay attention to what comes up and don’t be afraid to make a list of what you notice.
There’s a “missed connection” kinda feel to this week with Mercury retrograde stirring up confusion and crossed wires. If you’re single your only mission is to not read into texts – or the lack of – from someone you’re seeing. This is the sort of astro weather where you could get the wrong end of the stick and make a snap decision you’ll regret later. On a less tumultuous note, if you have kids, the weather could manifest as having to repeat yourself more than usual this week. If you’re trying to get them to help out, make any directions super clear and don’t get cross if they still muck things up – ‘tis the season.
What is going on with your work? If things feel kind of crazy, it’s not just you. With goal posts moving non-stop, change is your only constant this week. Thankfully no one pivots quite like a Virgo so whilst it may be frustrating, it’s nothing you can’t handle. Stay as detached as possible and when your manager is talking themselves into a flap use the time to ask yourself what larger questions all this ambiguity is dredging up. Is this where you want to be? Are you truly invested in what you’re working on? What matters to you professionally long term? You don’t need to have an answer, but you’d be mad not to at least ponder what your response might be…
Hold onto your phone charger, Mercury retrograde is coming in hot this week signaling a season of silliness, crossed wires and “why did I say that?” energy. Your usually tactful social game could be a little off, as foot-in-mouth season (aka Sagittarius season) brings the bluntness. If you have your work Christmas party this week, consider yourself warned – this is not a time to double down on the Prosecco and seat yourself next to the office gossip. On the plus side, it’s a great week for losing yourself in a project. Words, data and information should feel more alluring than ever before.
Your eagle-eye Scorpio sensibilities will be put to good use this week as Mercury retrograde asks you to look beyond the surface and consider what truly matters to you. For Scorpios, the question is posed specifically around cash flow, and how you earn money. If money is energy, then reflect on where you’re spending the most of yours. Consider trying a budgeting app like Pocketsmith to help you dig in to where your money is actually going. Resist the urge to jump to conclusions. This week (and the next two) are all about fact finding. Start compiling the data before you race ahead and take action.
It’s a major week for Sagittarius as the skies bring introspection, insights and new beginnings. It all starts early on as Mercury goes retrograde on the center stage of your life. This is the sort of weather where you’ll suddenly find yourself randomly yearning for that Sliding Doors hair you had in high school. As hard as it may be to stop yourself booking an appointment, use the next couple of weeks for reflection and planning. There’s more information yet to come, so reserve judgement and hold off doing any major aesthetic overhaul until at least the 16th of December.
After a pretty epic couple of weeks you’d be forgiven for needing a cup of tea and a lie down. The good news? This week the sky is giving you the green light to do exactly that. With clarity, foresight and energy levels feeling a little less sparky than you’d like, taking time out to rest and recover is your wisest course of action. If you’re a yoga and/or meditation girlie, a little bit of cross-legged solitude will do your mind a world of good. The main thing to remember is to reserve sudden judgements or snap decisions. Less doing, more being and let yourself exhale, you’ve earned it.
You’re not one to shy away from a “robust” discussion, but this week you may find yourself hard pressed to stay clear of it. With Mercury retrograde breathing new life into chats from the past week, revisiting decisions or discussions you thought were crystal clear, is almost a given. If it’s something you feel strongly about, you could dig your heels in, but with Mars also in the mix, you’d probably do best to pick your battles. On the flipside, if a friend comes across as flaky, try not to be too hard on them; last minute bails are most definitely in the air.
If you’ve been contemplating a dark, moody makeover in your bedroom (stylistically speaking), take a breath. As inspired and spontaneous as Sagittarius season might have you feeling, this is not the week for an interior redux. With Mercury going retrograde in the realm of your home, the chances of you having a change of heart are almost guaranteed. Instead, make the most of the energy by reactivating your Pinterest account and doing a deep dive into some new interior inspo you could get around… when you’re absolutely certain you’re not going to hate it by January.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.
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