This week, there’s a real “keep calm and carry on” flavour, with Venus moving into Capricorn and Saturn directly stationing. This energy says, “Right, well this is what’s happened, now what are we going to do to get on with things?” Stoic and practical, a pragmatic approach (and friends you can rely on) will help ground you in otherwise wild weather.
But don’t get too settled; as the energy builds towards a full moon in Taurus (15 Nov GMT, 16 November AEST) we’re dealt a big hit of Uranian influence, suggesting a revelation or change of heart you did not see coming. This one will feel especially significant for anyone with fixed rising signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).
All this before a once-in-a-lifetime key change coming up beyond next weekend, Pluto leaves Capricorn for 200+ years.
Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at theastrologyofyou.com to learn your sign. Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.
You’re getting down to business this week, ready to shake hands and do deals – especially at work. As Venus shifts into Capricorn, now is the time to take advantage of ambition. Strategic relationships can help you get to where you want to go. This is not about big, flashy power moves, instead, look for opportunities to connect and influence people you admire professionally. Set up coffees, sign up for webinars and generally put yourself out there. The full moon later in the week could carry an unexpected expense, so brace yourself (and your bank account) for a potential surprise.
This week, there’s a significantly more grounded quality that will feel delightfully familiar to Taureans. It’s not that things have improved or shifted dramatically but your sense of steadiness and confidence – especially socially – should feel a whole lot more integrated. You’ll want to double down on that reliable energy later in the week when the full moon looks unseasonably spicy. With the Sun, Moon and Uranus activating your most important relationships, expect an issue or emotion to erupt, very possibly your own. Consider yourself warned.
There’s an “adulting” quality to your week that may not be top of your list but is undeniably productive. With Venus moving into Capricorn, the rose-coloured glasses slide off and you’re left to focus on the practical changes that need consideration – especially when it comes to big financial decisions. Mid-week Saturn’s station signals a serious shift that could see you double down and commit to something that has long-term implications for where you’re living. It’s not bad, it’s just grown-up. Slip into those Prada pumps and do your thing. You’ve got this.
Ready to get grounded? While the flightiness of last week begins to settle, this week you’re invited to dig deep into the practices that help you feel more connected to the here and now. Leaning on the people who know you best to offer practical and pragmatic counsel will help. Saturn’s station (late in the week) encourages you to think long-term about something lofty or far-flung like moving to another country, enrolling in a PhD or escaping to a yoga retreat for two months. As the full moon activates issues of safety and trust around friends and groups, don’t be surprised if someone you know drops a major bombshell. If all feels too much, come back to your body, centre yourself, and make a list of what you need to do first.
While Mars continues to fire up your motivation and energy levels, a more measured quality comes into life this week with Venus moving into Capricorn. Investing in a beautiful gym kit is almost unavoidable as you feel inspired to “buy once, buy well” and upgrade your workout gear. As Saturn stations (Friday GMT, Saturday AEST), don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel ready to lock down a major financial commitment. Also later in the week, the full moon brings some truly fascinating revelations around home and work. Look for the other shoe to drop…but not where you think it will.
There’s a sense of reckoning coming your way this week as Saturn stations in the realm of your most important relationships. An ongoing challenge or roadblock (since March 2023) reaches a new milestone. The problem isn’t necessarily fixed but it does feel like an important turning point in what has been a gruelling 18 months. Doubling down on your commitment to long-term goals and structured practices will help make the most of the energy. At the end of the week, a zingy full moon in Taurus could present the surprise change of heart you least expected. Stay tuned for big news, especially from siblings or extended family. Be ready to pick your jaw off the floor.
Venus’s move into Capricorn this week ignites an ambitious appetite to get your life in order. That junk drawer in the kitchen or that bag of clothes you’ve been meaning to donate are all firmly in your sights. Better yet, if you’ve got a ‘Type A’ friend who lives for Swedish Death Cleaning, now’s the time to flick them a message. It’s a pleasant distraction from what else is going on, with Saturn’s station in Pisces echoing the “get serious” flavour in your daily routine. As the week concludes, brace yourself for a surprising realisation about your financial situation. No need to go looking for it, there’ll be no missing it when it comes along.
The excitement continues this week as energy builds towards an eventful full moon in Taurus. With your most intimate relationships in the spotlight, it’s the sort of Astro weather that could make a D&M with someone close—not necessarily a romantic partner, but possibly—almost unavoidable. Perhaps what’s most interesting is that the person you’re downloading to may not see or feel things in the ways you might expect. The words “surprise” and “left field” come to mind. Meanwhile Saturn’s station spells “let’s get serious”, especially where your creativity outlets or feelings around having a family (or adding to it) are involved.
Ready to get serious? With Saturn coming to a halt in the realm of your home and family, this week marks a turning point in what has been an intense 18 months. Coming to terms with what it takes to reach your long-term goals – be that moving house, buying your own place or digging into a big renovation – is a key theme. Also making news, a totally random turn of events involving your work, or colleagues, could leave you (yes, even you), lost for words. If you feel like you’re in over your head with a money situation, phone a friend or ask for a recommendation for a good advisor. There’s never been a better time to get a second opinion.
When people or places fall apart, Capricorns tend to do their very best work. And with no shortage of unrest in the air, you’re in luck! Venus’ move into your home sign suggests you’ll be in the mood for a glow-up despite what’s going on “out there”. This is “little treat” weather for Caps, where “little treat” is actually something that’s incredibly well-made, luxurious and will be cherished for years to come—Cartier, anyone? An earthy full moon in Taurus is derailed at the end of the week by some naughty Uranian energy. Expect things to go off-piste as the pull toward freedom and all things unconventional may feel too much to bear. If not for you, then for your friends.
There’s big Saturn energy this week, which is not at all a bad thing, especially if you’re an Aquarius. As the penny drops (like, literally) around some big financial considerations, expect to feel a renewed sense of grit and determination around a long-term goal. Later in the week, you’ll get a big “ta da” moment around work and home. Look for the announcement no one anticipated, like the moment your boss goes totally off script at the company all-hands meeting. Pass the popcorn, things are about to get interesting.
It’s a big week for little fishes as you reach a moment of reckoning as Saturn stations direct. An ongoing debacle in the front and centre of your personal life (likely first ignited around March 2023) reaches a turning point. It’s not resolved, but you might have a moment of realisation of what you need to get through the next eight months or so. (Until Saturn leaves Pisces, but who’s counting?) Expect to find a way to dig deeper, and connect with the grit you need to power through. Meanwhile, the full moon could highlight a few holes in any plans, especially around travel. Things will not go as expected, so do what you do best and surf those waves of ambiguity rather than getting drawn into someone else’s whirlpool.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.
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