There are some weeks where you have a choice: stand up and do the big scary thing, or sit down and lay low. This is most definitely one of those weeks. The action starts Monday when Aquarius season kicks off with a bang.
The shift out of Capricorn season, a time when goals and structure reign supreme, is usually quite a change. Aquarius season is all about going against the grain and following your own vision – even if it isn’t the safe or popular route.
But this year, especially for fixed sign folks (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), this is particularly potent. This week, you’re getting your first taste of taking the leap or getting off the ledge. On the plus side, there is a gentle, somewhat comforting balm on hand for that Mars retrograde irritation that’s been making everyone feel a little bit antsy.
Expect that softening to peak around the weekend – perfect timing if you’re having to socialise with someone who’s been quietly driving you up the wall the past couple of weeks. The moon is also entering its darkest phase, signalling a slowing down. Now is the time for soul-searching. Get into it.
The parent or family member who has been doing your head in lately should feel just a teeny bit more palatable this week. While you may still be screening your mother’s calls on Monday, by Friday, you’ll be ready to take the high road and tee up a lunch for the weekend. Such is the soothing power of Venus, sweeping in to make things feel a little less hectic. Meanwhile, brace yourself for a moment of truth – possibly from a friend – when the Sun and Pluto signal a bombshell earlier in the week. Watch this space.
The start of the week looks extra juicy for Taurean folks who are given a front-row seat to the big, dramatic astrology. Before Thursday (all time zones) looks particularly charged, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself… surprised. Work, especially your boss or upper management, could be particularly interesting – not necessarily in a bad way. But if you do find yourself presented with the choice of backing down or digging in your heels, trust that the latter (for better or worse) will not go unnoticed.
If it feels like you have a gaping hole in your wallet at the moment, it’s not just you. It’s in the sky. Thankfully, this week, there’s a bit of respite coming your way. While the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), are in for a very large week, things should be comparatively a little more mellow for you. In fact, you could find yourself on the receiving end of some very pleasing opportunities on the work front – a bonus or an introduction to help counter the intense spending that’s been going on. Don’t overthink it. When a window of opportunity slides open, jump on through.
After the past few weeks, you’d be forgiven for needing a cup of tea – or stronger – and a little lie-down. With Mars retrograde grinding your gears and people being especially people-y, you’re probably ready for a mid-year break. Alas, you will soldier on, and you’ll have a little bit of support for the first time in a couple of weeks. If you have the opportunity to sneak away for the weekend, or you’re struck by a hankering to lash out at a good bottle of wine at your favourite restaurant, run, don’t walk. A little bit of escapism is exactly what the doctor ordered.
How’s your poker face? You might need it this week because things are literally popping off for Leos. Whether you paid for platinum seats or not, you’ll be front row to the drama. Look for the glorious surprise unfolding centre stage, potentially in your partner’s (or best mate’s) life. It’s the plot twist you didn’t see coming or a confession that could leave you lost for words (no easy feat for a Leo). It could be thrilling, but it could also be kind of awkward if they’re looking for reassurance and you’re still picking your jaw up off the floor. Consider yourself warned.
Why are people so annoying? That’s a question you probably asked yourself several times in recent weeks. If the character in question is a friend (highly likely for Virgo rising people), then at least there’s some comfort in knowing this week looks a little less irritating. It’s not that the friend will be doing the thing less, but you should be able to find a little more patience for whatever it is that’s driving you to distraction. Elsewhere, a blow-up at work looks explosive. Proceed with caution unless you’re spoiling for a fight.
If you’ve been struggling to get motivated with work this year, consider the possibility you didn’t actually get a break over the holidays. The sky is giving you a very clear message to sneak away if you can and do something clean and restorative to recharge your batteries. Anything water-related will be extra nourishing. Ocean swims, magnesium baths or just some hot/cold plunges should bring you back to life – especially next weekend. Elsewhere, a surprise confession from a friend (before Thursday AEST and GMT) could take your breath away.
There is *a lot* going on for Scorpios this week. You’re still in the throes of your ruling planet in retrograde, something that could have you feeling a little off balance. It’s a wobbly backdrop for some intense “truth or dare” kind of energy to get thrown into the mix. A big shift – potentially around home or family could begin to take shape, challenging you to rethink where you’ve come from or where you’re going. However it goes down, you won’t be able to miss it. Thankfully, the weekend looks a little less intense as the dark moon coincides with some sweet creative inspiration.
There’s a sense of ease coming your way this week that should feel like a huge relief. A sore point – potentially related to big money discussions or stresses – should get a leg up. While the issue itself won’t disappear completely from your life, it will feel less overwhelming. Meanwhile, the start of the Aquarius season could signal a moment of realisation. Don’t be surprised if a sibling, or maybe someone within your family, has some significant announcements or decisions to make.
The sense of relief is palpable for Capricorns this week as you bid farewell to what has been a very intense home season. With the Sun now marching purposefully through Aquarius, it might feel as though you’re leaving the drama behind and getting back on track. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself down a rabbit hole of Swedish Death Cleaning YouTube or just go on a mad decluttering spree. Rethinking your approach to “stuff” is highly likely. Meanwhile, the frustration you’ve been feeling with someone central to your life looks less agitating. They won’t stop doing the annoying thing, but you’ll be less triggered by it, which can only be a good thing!
A massive week is in store for Aquarius, with the start of your home season coming in hot. The spotlight is on you as you’re challenged to tackle something (possibly a little intimidating) head-on. Don’t get carried away thinking you don’t have a choice; you absolutely do. There is no shame in leaning out and admitting this is a challenge you just don’t have the bandwidth for right now if that’s how you’re feeling. On the flip side, if you do feel inspired to step up to the plate, the experience could be extremely cathartic. Work also looks a bit less icky – particularly with members of your team – as Venus sweeps in to smooth over a prickly issue.
As you enter the most low-key moment of the astrological year (for Pisceans), the sky is delivering one very clear message: do less. Although there will be plenty of drama going on “out there” in the world, on a personal level, all signs point to chill. Listen to your body, and if it’s screaming out to cancel plans, just do it. Solitude, relaxation and sabbaticals should be your number one priority. An added bonus is a previously hard dynamic begins to shift. You could be the instigator but don’t get caught up in who initiates the olive branch. Instead, be grateful things are looking up.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.
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