Bust out the bubbles (or perhaps sparklers may be more appropriate) because you’ve officially ticked off the first major Astro milestone of 2025! After 11 weeks of hard slog, this week we bid farewell to Mars retrograde.
If you missed the memo, Mars retrograde is a once-every-two-year cycle that stirs up issues around confidence, courage and how we deal with anger. This most recent cycle has been a doozy—not only because it kicked off right in time for holiday family get-togethers, but it also dipped into two signs—Leo and Cancer.
That means that both fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) have gotten an especially potent serve of Mars retrograde medicine.
This week, Mars turns direct, meaning the retrograde is behind us, or at least we can start to work towards untangling the mess it’s left behind. That’s not to say it’s all smooth sailing—the first couple of days look intense before a new moon (28 Feb AEST and GMT) offers a much-needed reset. And then, in true 2025 style, we are onto the Next Big Thing: Venus retrograde. Thankfully, it’s not nearly as hectic as Mars retrograde… but we have six weeks to work it all out…
Things are looking up for the Rams as your ruling planet gets back on track this week. Expect your energy levels to increase, along with your ability to take action and get things done.”. At the same time, Venus is slowing down, which could cause you to feel a little wistful about the finer things in life. As we head into this retrograde cycle (kicking off Sunday AEST and GMT), you’ll get a month and a half to reflect on how you really feel about something—or someone. Needless to say, it should be a very interesting few weeks indeed! Watch this space.
With the slog that has been Mars retrograde officially behind you, you’ve got a greenlight to press go and actually make some progress with projects that have felt stuck in the mud since December last year. That’s not to say you’ll be bouncing off the walls and breezing through the express checkout. As your ruling planet (Venus) slows right down and prepares to begin her retrograde cycle (kicking off Sunday AEST and GMT), you could be feeling a little more lowkey than usual. Don’t force things; just honour where your energy is, and if you need to cancel plans, blame it on the moon.
Ready to reset? After a potentially draining start to the year, you’re getting an energetic reboot this week in more ways than one. For starters, with Mars now in motion, you’ll be feeling less angsty. On a practical level, that should be a good thing for sleep, daydreams and any subconscious worries that have been draining you of energy. On Thursday, a new moon in Pisces adds to the “clean up” mood and prompts you to shake off anything that’s been weighing on your mind. Hitting reboot on stuff at work that’s been a drag will feel like a huge relief. Just bear in mind that the reboot might involve getting a bit better with your boundaries.
It may only be February, but it probably feels like about August for lovely little crabs. However you cut it, the start of 2025 has been a time ™, but you’re officially on the downhill run now that Mars is on the move. The running-up-a-hill feel that had you feeling tapped out, stressed out or ticked off should start to alleviate from mid-week as Mars lurches forward. All the frustration won’t go away overnight, but starting this week, when you apply pressure (figuratively speaking), it shouldn’t feel like every door is jammed shut. And that has undoubtedly got to be something to feel happy about!
A little less deep-seated-resentment and a little more spit-it-out-and-just-say it is coming right up. Now Mars retrograde is past its most intense chapter; you’re being dealt a big burst of “let’s get on with things”. That’s good news if you’ve been stuck in a failure-to-launch kind of vibe (highly likely). But if you’re still harbouring a grudge over someone not showing up, this might be a week to reflect on whether that hang-up is coming with you into March. The strength it takes to drag around that mean old baggage is draining you of precious Main Character Energy. Is it worth it? The new moon (Thursday AEST and GMT) is the perfect moment to do some soul-searching. Phone a friend, air your grievances and make a pact to let that sh*t go.
Are you ready to forgive and move on? This week’s new moon (Thursday AEST and GMT) is asking you that very question. As you regain composure in the wake of Mars retrograde coming to an end, the pressure is alleviated, especially around social dynamics. Before you gird your loins for Venus retrograde (Sunday AEST and GMT), the new moon is a friendly circuit breaker. This one is asking you very clearly: is that resentment worth holding onto? Pisces energy is all about rising above the pettiness, and this new moon looks especially good for breaking free of the drama. The question is: are you prepared to forgive and forget, or is there more healing to be done? Only you can answer that question.
Praise be! After months of backwards-in-coming forwards ick, things are on the move this week. Expect the wheels of change to slowly lurch forward, especially around any loose ends (or disagreements) at work. Meanwhile, your ruling planet (Venus) is grinding to a halt, which could have you feeling a wee bit more low-fi than usual. Look out for a thunderbolt of feels on Sunday when Venus’ station could bring a moment of clarity or emotion, especially around your most significant relationships (remember—it isn’t necessarily to do with romantic partners, although it could be). There is nothing to do or action right now; just pay attention to what comes up—it won’t be the last you hear of it.
If you’re feeling a bit worse for wear after the start of this year, take comfort in knowing one of 2025’s trickiest transits is now officially behind you. This one hit Scorpios hard, with your ruling planet activated—and not necessarily in a very functional way. This week, Pisces season gets into full swing as the new moon (Thursday AEST and GMT) ever-so-gently asks the question, “Is it really worth holding on to that pain?” Whatever stuff has been going down may not warrant your forgiveness—at least not just yet. But you should, at the very least, allow yourself to explore the possibility that holding on to the grudge is more effort than just letting it go.
Progress! Momentum! Forward motion! Things are getting back on track this week, and if that’s not a reason to celebrate, we don’t know what is. As Mars retrograde finally packs its bags, it should be hard not to notice things are finally moving in the right direction, albeit slowly. If you’ve been navigating a cold shoulder or simmering resentment with someone in your inner circle (especially involving cash), rest assured that, too, should improve. Take the opportunity on Thursday (AEST and GMT) to breathe deep and let go of whatever frustrations have been grinding your gears. Being in water may help. Do what you need to, and release what no longer serves.
Welcome to your first checkpoint of 2025. Like the other Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer and Libra) you have likely had a very intense start to the year. This week, you turn a corner as Mars begins its march forward and shines the tiniest glimmer of hope that, yes, you can get beyond this stalemate. The Big Annoying Thing that has been draining you of your energy (or causing someone close to you to be extremely difficult to deal with) is looking up. It’s not gone, but it is improving. And that counts for something, right? Next weekend, Venus starts her retrograde cycle in your professional sphere, which should raise some very interesting conversations, alliances, and opportunities. Watch this space.
Pounding heads, sore muscles, overscheduling—all the things that may have made you feel more tapped out than you should by the end of February are about to get better. With Mars picking up some momentum this week, things should all feel just a lot less challenging. That’s not to say you should book five consecutive mornings of HIIT classes, especially if you haven’t been to the gym since January. Instead, walk before you run. The progress will only build if you give yourself a gentle start. In other news, the new moon (Thursday AEST and GMT) looks excellent for tidying up loose ends—especially around your finances.
Forgiveness, compassion and surrender are all on offer this week as a new moon in your home sign brings the Big Pisces Energy. It’s precisely what you needed after a hectic start to 2025 that could have you feeling tapped out (especially for Pisceans with children). Thursday’s energetic reset is exactly what you need to put the past two months behind you and think about how you want to feel in the coming month. With Saturn also involved, any goals or intentions may require a little bit more “no” than you’re used to using. Remember, the only people who get upset when you set boundaries are the ones who benefit from you not having any.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.
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