The key to thriving and not just surviving this week is to let things be. All signs point to taking it easy as Pisces season shifts the vibe from “Let’s quickly fix this” to “Maybe things aren’t as clear-cut as we thought?”
Leaning out, taking the pressure off and giving yourself the space and time to catch your breath will do wonders. Pushing, forcing or trying to speed up a situation will be an exhausting and very possibly futile exercise. So, wherever you can, just let it be. Progress may be slow, but think of it as a week where you’re forced to observe a reduced speed limit, not necessarily come to a complete stop and give up.
There are times in life to paddle like hell, and then there are times when no amount of kicking and flailing will get you any further ahead. This week clearly falls into the latter category. With your ruling planet (Mars) almost at a standstill as it prepares to station next week, progress is a pipe dream. Don’t panic; things should start moving forward next week. For now, you could spin your wheels, or you could use your time more wisely. Focus less on what’s going on out there and get yourself organised. If that feels too tiring, consider a week of self-care. With Pisces season upon us, you’re getting a clear directive to take your foot off the gas. Do yourself a favour and take note.
The pressure and focus on all things work wanes for Taureans just a little this week. That’s good news if things have felt extra heightened the past few weeks (highly likely). The stakes and tension aren’t going away, but every decision might feel a little less like life or death. In its place, invitations and catchups enter the chat and could feel a tad overwhelming. With the moon waning and Mars almost grinding to a halt, you may just want to go to ground and take some time for yourself. And that would be a pretty excellent way to work with the energy too. But be warned, if you’re not in the mood to socialise (entirely possible), have your excuses ready because your phone will be buzzing.
Are you coming or going? Are you in, or are you out? If you’re feeling a little dazed and confused, rest assured it’s not just you; it’s in the sky. This week, as your ruling planet (Mercury) fumbles its way through Pisces, communication, decisions, and clarity will be hard to come by. With Jupiter acting like a mic to the dodgy audio quality, making sense of things could be easier said than done. Don’t panic, but consider reordering your to-do list for this week. On the flip side, this is excellent weather for making stuff. A little less Excel and a little more journalling Anything creative, artistic or emotionally led will flow effortlessly.
There’s a lot to be said for managing expectations, and this week, the sky is asking you to do exactly that. All signs point to chill as your ruling planet (the moon) moves into its darkest phase. On top of that, Mars – the planet that rules motivation, progress, and confidence – is basically standing still, which adds to one clear directive: take it easy. Make peace with the fact that this will not be your week to become the queen of productivity, and you’ll save yourself a lot of heartache. Everything changes next week, so let yourself bask in the low-fi vibes and look forward to more momentum next week.
There are weeks in a Leo’s life when it’s time to make an entrance, step into the spotlight or wrestle the mic away from the MC for an impromptu solo. This is not one of those weeks. With planets and luminaries concocting an extra sensitive, under-the-radar mood, consider this your intuitive ping to stay backstage. While the watery energies of Cancer and Pisces will inspire loads of creativity, it’s best used quietly, working on your own material rather than debuting grand plans. Journalling, meditation, and any form of self-reflection will do you well. Oh, and if you’re expecting big leaps and bounds to take place, reconsider. This is not a week for big outward progress – and that’s totally ok.
It’s time to focus on your feelings rather than your output. Great news if you’ve got annual leave or a retreat booked, but less amazing if you were hoping to smash your to-do list. Thankfully you have the foresight of astrology to help you manage your expectations and manage you shall. Just look at what you have down as a “must do” and ask yourself, “What could wait until next week?” With many heightened emotions in play (thank Pisces season and a very sensitive Mars in Cancer), you might have your hands full with “people-y” things rather than projects. Lean into that, and things will feel a whole lot easier.
A little bit of self-care will go a long way this week, as Pisces season brings all the feels. At the same time, the final week of Mars retrograde ensures that making inroads at work will be hard at best and extremely frustrating at worst. It’s not a problem; it might just take a little bit of reshuffling. Anything you need to do that requires extra emotional bandwidth could actually feel easier. D&Ms, thoughtfully worded break-up letters, poetry jams (!?!) – whatever you can think of that requires you to lead with your heart, not your head, should move to the top of your list. And if you can’t think of anything, then schedule a little more downtime (preferably solo) than usual. You won’t regret it.
As we wade into the deep feeling waters of Pisces season, emotions and sensitives feel extra heightened across the board. It’s rich, creative territory if you’re making things or doing anything intuitive or spiritual, not so crash hot for getting your tax return sorted. At the same time, your ruling planet is almost at a standstill, which may have you feeling a little more insular than usual. Take the hint and go to ground where you can, clear your schedule and lock yourself away in some creative escapism. If you’re not arty, that could look like binging a new season of something juicy in bed. Some weeks, these are the things that need to be done, and this is one of those weeks.
Productivity hits a speed bump this week as Pisces season, Mars retrograde, and a waning moon deliver an interstellar speed bump. This week, you’ll be ahead of the pack if you take the hint and hang back rather than racing forward to be the first one in the fray. With the sky suggesting especially low-key energy, it’s just not a great week for showboating, kicking goals or orchestrating any “ta-da” moments. Emotions will run high. Sensitivities will be heightened. Instead of bullishly moving forward, read the room, and wherever you can, take the easy option. Let feelings (especially those around you) lead wherever possible, and you’ll do just fine.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel this week as you enter the final seven days of Mars retrograde. The burden or frustration that’s felt particularly irritating (very possibly manifesting around your most important relationships) is on the out…soon (read: next week). For now, you just need to move through this last little burst of “Why do you always do that!?” Know that things will feel extra heightened, and if you need to take a breather, step away from the conversation or just do a little bit of solo time. Hang in there!
Big feels incoming! As the sun moves out of your home season into Pisces town, there’s a palpable shift in the air. It’s a key change you might feel less attuned to or comfortable with – less logic, more magic. A waning moon and Pisces season promise to bring everyone’s feelings to the surface. It’s the sort of vibe where you ask someone, “Are you ok?” and they will, without warning, burst into tears. If you’re not in the headspace to handle that kind of reaction, do yourself a favour and don’t press the issue. Once Mars goes direct next week things should feel less highly strung. But for now, this is the lay of the land. Proceed accordingly.
Welcome to Pisces season! Love, creativity and tears are on tap as the big feels have everyone plugging into their emotional side. It’s an easy, breezy place for you but not so comfortable for well, anyone who isn’t a water sign. Expect many folks in your life to have a rough week, as the vibe shift feels more like a record scratch than a cool change. Not everyone is good at feelings, and that’s ok! So, when and if the emotions runneth over, be kind, be patient and remember for some, this is scary territory. Lead with tenderness as only a Pisces can.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.
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