By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes September 30–October 6: The People-Pleasing Needs To Stop

Nearing the end of eclipse season, astrologer Emma Vidgen asks what would happen if you dared do things without worrying what other people think.
Art: Kimberlee Kessler

There’s a saying that goes, “Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” It’s often attributed to Dr Seuss (although that seems to be contentious).

Whoever said it may well have been under the influence of astrology. As we move into the last of the eclipses for this year (2 October GMT), we’re being struck with a very clearly articulated moment of realisation: “What people-pleasing silliness is holding me back?”

It’s not a new thought – in fact, it’s been swirling around since April 2023. But this week is a real turning point. We’re getting to the end of this storyline. Think of it as the second-last episode of the season. Sure, the season finale is always hotly anticipated, but when you think about it, it’s the second last episode that really sets everything up.

So as you move through this week, look for where these themes come to life. Where is your attention being called to notice how and who you bend over backwards to impress? When do you feel most vulnerable to other people’s opinions? And what would happen if you dared to do things a little bit differently?

Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at to learn your sign.

Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.


Ready for a cup of tea and a lie down? You wouldn’t be blamed for feeling that way. “Personal growth” may as well have been part of your job description the past two years with this eclipse cycle activating both your sense of self and your most intimate relationships. You’ve been put through a masterclass of what you want, and what you don’t. This week’s eclipse marks a turning point, clearly highlighting that which (or those who) no longer serve. Remember every end is a start. Your path is clear, trust the signs, they are right there in front of you clear as day – all you have to do is read them.


Bad habits, toxic workmates, or the way you prioritise your own wellbeing – maybe one or all of these things are a familiar theme from the past two years. This week’s eclipse shakes things up again, and while the manifestation may be new the deeper meanings are not. Your only job is to recognise the larger pattern, and follow the cosmic cues to stop holding on. You are in a season of shedding skins, now is the time to shimmy on out of that old get-up (be it a relationship, a habit or job) that no longer feels right. Step out and move right along; thank you, next.


Are you ready to release? This week’s solar eclipse in Libra is all about letting go of old baggage. The eclipse ignites a storyline that’s been unfolding for the past two years. If you’re single, it could be a not-so-healthy hook-up. If that doesn’t ring true, it could relate to a destructive pattern or a blind spot around having too much of a good time. As the goal posts move again, your mission is to recognise what you’re being encouraged to cut out. You shouldn’t have to think too hard to know what it is that you’re meant to be leaving behind. With Mercury delivering a lightbulb moment, the answer is right in front of you.


There is some deep ancestral excavation going on this week whether you’re aware of it or not. It’s all getting activated by the solar eclipse in Libra. Mercury also has a significant role to play, hinting that you may receive information (news, correspondence or contact) that hits a raw nerve. The intel or messenger may be fresh, but the broader theme is familiar. This is deeply rooted stuff you’re being prompted to address. Remember, relationships, especially with family, aren’t static. Trust the momentum and let things shift and bend as they may. New seeds will take root, but first you must let go of dead wood.


Feel like cutting the cord? You could be tempted to get the good scissors out  – literally – and do some serious purging with your tech this week. With the eclipses activating the part of your chart that rules devices, just TRY and stop you from going rogue with a total system reboot. Aside from things-you-plug-in, arduous relationships with difficult family members (especially siblings or extended family), could also have you feeling ready to step back and GTFO. It may feel sudden but if you give it any kind of thought you’ll likely see it’s been coming for quite some time.


Your season may be behind you but you’re in the grips of a major clean out energy this week. With your financial sphere lit up by the solar eclipse, getting rid of old baggage and truly letting go will be the ‘control + alt + del’ you need to wipe the slate clean. As any Virgo will attest, you can’t start fresh until you’ve got a nice clean surface and that’s exactly what this week’s eclipse is inviting you to do. Look for the ways your reflex is to put others interests ahead of your own. Let the end unfold as the pace quickens and trust that a stronger financial picture is ready to take shape.


Feeling tired? It’s not just you, it’s in the stars. This week’s solar eclipse could have you feeling super low energy as the sky ushers in another dramatic cosmic clear out. With Mercury riding shotgun for this eclipse, there’ll be absolutely no doubt as to what it is you’re meant to be letting go. The writing is on the wall, and all the times you’ve let other people’s opinions take precedent over your own thoughts or feelings, will come flooding back to you. Try to digest the social snags you hit as friendly reminders to listen to your needs, rather than roadblocks to conviviality.


Oh hey deeply held emotional baggage, how you doing? You’re getting a nudge from the planets this week to look under the hood and see what’s doing with your heart. The good news is, with the solar eclipse in Libra going down in one of the most private spaces in your chart, the “lesson” so to speak may be something you can deal with behind closed doors. But like it or not, there is definitely some energy being triggered around how you deal with what other people think of you. Don’t overcook it, just take the little wobbles as they come, and keep reminding yourself its all part of this eclipse season’s medicine.


Something old, someone blue, opinions borrowed all coming at you! No you’re not going to a wedding but there is some pretty interesting emotional excavation going on around your social sphere. You may not care about many people’s opinions of you, but there are some souls out there in your wider circle, that do matter. Maybe what they “might” think holds you back, or maybe it propels you to overdo things. This week look for the lesson where you’re encouraged to throw caution to the wind and just do you – not what other people expect.


There’s big, exciting energy this week with the eclipses taking place at the very top of your chart. Major shifts – especially endings at –work make way for a brand new way of being/seeing/doing. Be prepared for things to move quickly and when you feel the tug of something or someone trying to move on, don’t stand in their way. This is a turning point that’s creating space for something more aligned. Keeping the peace by putting your own wants last only makes things worse in the long run. Be bold, be honest, be yourself.


Major changes incoming! The final eclipse of this season is bringing with it all kinds of lofty Libran lessons. Here is your chance to get to grips with the idea that you can’t be all things, to all people, all the time. Palatable may not be what you’re ever aiming for, but in some funny Aquarian way, you do long for acceptance and camaraderie. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s just not in the place where you’re looking the hardest. And that’s fine. When that little kernel floats to the top this week, remember this is all part of eclipse medicine. It might be a little sour going down, but it’s a necessary bump along your broader evolution.


There’s some more big emotional up-levelling this week with the eclipse highlighting all the ways you – or the people you love – try to keep the peace, to a fault. The lesson is to recognise the pattern, and try and explore what it might feel like to choose a different route. What would happen if you (or they) weren’t so beholden to what others thought? How would your decision making process change if you weren’t trying to second guess how your actions would be received? Leaving behind a well-worn cloak of “you choose, whatever you want” isn’t easy, but you can start to experiment with tiny steps.

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.


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