By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes for March 11-17: A Week to Cherish the Little Pleasures

After a spicy beginning, the next seven days are all about foraging for positivity, says astrologer Emma Vidgen.
Horoscope March 2024
Art: Kimberlee Kessler

It might be a slightly awkward landing into the week as the Moon and Mercury make a rather tactless entry into Aries. The mood is fiery, with a sense of urgency. If you’ve been having a hard time articulating or understanding the issue, a sudden pull-no-punches rapport will move things along faster than they’ve progressed in weeks.

After a spicy start, there’s a softer reciprocity to the middle of the week (Wednesday and Thursday AEST and GMT) that seems significantly gentler than the last few weeks (or months?). The result is a sense of adaptability, compassion and forgiveness –  like a sun shower after days of hot, relentless wind. Less staunch, more empathetic.

It’s not undoing what’s been said or done recently, but there should be a greater capacity to see the bigger picture and find a way through, together. Like having flights delayed for hours, only to discover your hotel has upgraded your room when you finally arrived; sure, you’re still exhausted when you get there, but those 1200 thread count sheets and ocean view are sweet enough to bring you to tears.

Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at to learn your sign.

Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.

Aries and Aries rising 

If you’ve been feeling uncharacteristically pessimistic (entirely possibly with the way the stars have landed in your chart), there’s a bright change coming your way this week. With Mercury, the planet of communications and ideas landing in your home sign, expect a newfound clarity to your words and thoughts, especially on Monday and Tuesday.

Taurus and Taurus rising 

Pop the Bolly on ice, because you’re about to get some seriously balmy Astro weather. The middle of this week looks the sweetest it has in months for Taurean folks. Grab someone you hold dear and escape the grind, even if it’s just a last-minute low-key neighbourhood dinner. Anything with a hint of indulgence, creativity and embodiment will do just fine. Food, music or yin yoga will do nicely.

Gemini and Gemini rising 

There’s a softening and releasing vibe to this week that should make the mood at work feel a little less fraught. It’s a welcome shift after an intense couple of weeks. Stay realistic – of course, your boss may not grow an entirely new personality (sorry!) but they may be a little easier to reason with. Similarly, the office Karen should be a smidgen easier to navigate.

Cancer and cancer rising 

Ask and you shall receive… the truth. If there’s been any question marks around how your workmates – especially those in senior leadership roles – are feeling about your work or your performance, there’ll be no confusion by the end of the week. The delivery may not be particularly tactful– especially if your discussions take place on Monday or Tuesday (AEST or GMT) but at least you know where you stand.

Leo and Leo rising 

Dreaming about a pay rise? There’s a sweet window towards the middle of the week (Wednesday and Thursday AEST and GMT) that makes it as good a time as any to take a big breath and set up a meeting. It’s not a guaranteed “yes”, but it’s the rosiest moment you’ve had in months to make your case. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know…

Virgo and Virgo rising 

The tensions in your closest bonds (romantic or otherwise) soften substantially this week as Venus brings some much-needed sparkle to your most important relationships. The tough conversations and long-term planning aren’t off the table but finding a compromise that makes you both happy – or simply putting all the D&Ms to one side in favour of a little bit of play – should be a whole lot easier.

Libra and Libra rising 

Are you ready for the truth? You’re about to hear it (even if you didn’t ask!) With the Moon and Mercury exploding into Aries, immediately bolstered by Pluto (Monday/Tuesday), the Astro weather is honest, with a chance of blunt. As the wears on, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus join forces to bring a softer lens on proceedings particularly Wednesday and Thursday (AEST and GMT).

Scorpio and Scorpio rising 

If you feel like you’ve been holding your breath for the past month, rejoice! You’re about to get a cosmic cue to exhale – or at least let loose a little. With Venus beckoning you to prioritise play and pleasure there’s never been a better time for a bougie night away or a last-minute hook-up. Wednesday and Thursday are the nights to indulge so shimmy into something sheer and get involved.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising 

The slog of home life – whether it’s relentless parenting or navigating an insufferable flatmate – gets considerably less punitive this week. With Venus taking the edge off the heavy weather mood, you might just surprise yourself by actually having fun. If an olive branch is in order, Wednesday or Thursday (AEST or GMT) is your best moment to make amends.

Capricorn and Capricorn rising 

If you’ve been struggling to find joy in the small things of late (highly likely), consider this your cosmic calendar alert to lighten up. With Venus gliding into the realm of your chart governing books, learning and siblings, reconnecting to the things (and people) that make you laugh is your #1 homework this week. Revisit beloved books, binge a tried-and-true TV series or drop into your sister’s place with a bottle of Sangiovese and some good cheese.

Aquarius and Aquarius rising 

After a swamp fest few weeks on the communication front, expect to feel less like you’re no longer trying to push a giant, nebulous pink elephant up a hill whenever you’re trying to explain things. The directness could be startling, don’t be surprised if your words land a little abruptly – particularly on Monday and Tuesday (AEST and GMT). On the home front, a little windfall could be the perfect excuse to lash out on some bougie homewares; Cire Trudon all round!

Pisces and Pisces rising 

Expect a little more ease, joy and pleasure in your day-to-day as Venus slides into your home sign. It’s a magic week to invest in you – whether it’s a facial, a PT session or a float. Wednesday is your day to indulge in something that helps you switch off the overthinking program that’s been running you ragged and reconnect with things that make you feel beautiful. Singing, dancing, a great blowdry – whatever it is, do it with reckless abandon on Wednesday and Thursday; god knows you’ve more than earned it.

This story originally appeared in GRAZIA International.