By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes March 10-16: Lock In For Eclipse Season

With all the chaotic energy officially kicking off, it's time to start paying attention.
Horoscopes for the week of March 10-16, 2025.

If the astrology of March were a recipe, this week, you’re getting to the important steps. You know, the bit where you should probably put your wine down and re-read the instructions to make sure you’ve got all bases covered. In short, it’s time to pay attention.

Last week, Venus retrograde formed the flavour base—a spicy blend of soul-searching and long-lost loves—and this week, we add the protein. Eclipse season officially kicks off, signalling the start of a topsy-turvy liminal space where literally anything could happen.

Although the eclipse itself doesn’t hit until Friday, we’ll be feeling its energy all week.
The head chef of this eclipse is Mercury, who just happens to be going retrograde at the same time. This is the part where you realise that you need some exotic ingredient you definitely don’t have. So now, what will you do? You have to improvise, work with what you’ve got and let go of stressing over whether your dish turns out exactly like the picture. Before you spiral, consider this: What if it turned out better? Now is not the time to get ahead of yourself; stay calm and wait to see what happens…


It’s all happening for you this week as Venus retrograde continues to bring up lots of big feelings and second thoughts. Keep your ear to the ground for some very direct communications early in the week that could impact how you’re feeling about that thing you’re reconsidering. Whether it’s a fun new hair colour or as serious as a new relationship, whatever you’re pondering could hit different after you receive this latest piece of information. Later in the week, the eclipses signal a new chapter involving the way you prioritise your health and well-being. By the weekend, that bit of info you heard earlier in the week could start to feel a bit shaky. Trust your gut.


Keep that dream journal on standby because chances are you’ll be having some wild shut-eye this week (oh hi, high school boyfriend!). With Venus retrograde stirring up your subconscious, the ghosts of lovers past could turn up quite a lot. As Mercury moves in to connect with Venus from Monday-Tuesday (AEST and GMT), there could be some deeper meaning or message rising to the surface. Remember, dreams are rarely literal; you’re probably not actually going to get back with that person. But consider what they represent and maybe what they had that could be missing from your current relationship. The eclipses are all about friends and fun, so if you’ve got a catch-up scheduled on Friday, don’t be shocked if things get a little wild.


Drama, drama, drama! The excitement levels are palpable this week with Venus retrograde, Mercury retrograde and eclipse season signalling plenty of excitement. It’s giving Real Housewives. For you, a sign especially attuned to Mercury cycles, Friday-Saturday AEST and GMT will be extra significant. This lunar eclipse kicks off a six-month period of realisation. Expect some moments of truth that could have you reassessing what you’re doing professionally or where you’re living. It’s an interesting and rapidly evolving plotline that should sate your love of change and progress. Lean into the ambiguity and enjoy the ride.


The intrigue continues this week as contacts and colleagues from deep in your LinkedIn profile’s past reappear. As their emergence triggers a period of reflection (“Is this why I got into this career?”), could also be the recipient of some interesting information. Maybe it’s an offer, an insight or a new approach. Keep your eyes peeled early on when news lands that helps galvanise everything you’re feeling, but hold fire. Later on, eclipse season is giving Fleabag with a side of “Sad Keanu”. It shouldn’t hit you directly, but if the people around you appear to have gone a little loopy, at least you’ll know why.


Little known fact about Leos: you quite enjoy certainty, routine, being in control, etc. Whether it’s a confirmed restaurant reservation or an outfit styled and sorted long before a big event rolls around, you like to know what the score is—where you’re going, who’s going to be there, you get the picture. Unfortunately, this week (and indeed, this month) does not offer much certainty. Eclipse season piles on the “didn’t see that coming”. Even the most organised lions could feel off-kilter. But one very effective way to hold your centre is to plan for things to change. Consider any invites that drop between now and mid-April more of a “pencilled in”, and you’ll be absolutely fine. Roll with the chaos. Expect change and pack as if you don’t know where you’ll end up.


You’ve likely already started to feel the massive undercurrents swelling in the lead up to eclipse season. With your most significant relationships in flux, the winds of change are most definitely rolling in. Now, eclipse season is kicking off this Friday (AEST and GMT), and the opening credits are rolling on an important new chapter for Virgos. Things could feel hard, or the reality of recent decisions may be sobering, but don’t let that get you down. This is also a reminder that this is only the beginning of what’s to come, and if things feel a little “off”, they won’t stay this way for too long. It’s a lot of ambiguity, but if you’re not in love with how things are, take comfort in knowing that things can and will be different.


The people you’re with—your partner, your mates, your work wives—are a source of intrigue and intel this week. With Mercury connecting to (a retrograde) Venus, all signs point to you “You wouldn’t believe who I heard from…and what they had to say!” As much as you may be compelled to act on this new information, now is not the time. As painful as it may be, this whole month is about waiting to see how things shake out. Don’t rush any decisions or make any sudden moves. On Friday, eclipse season signals a new storyline around health, while at the same time, that info that seemed airtight earlier in the week suddenly looks a little less rock solid.


Ready for a reset? Eclipse season is sending in the cleaning crew and taking no prisoners. Intuitive as you are, you may have already felt the cogs turning—particularly with friends who might be facing some huge shifts and challenges. There’s nothing to be done per se. Just focus on being there when they need you and try not to judge. With much tactless energy pinging around (hi, Venus and Mercury retrograde in Aries), even the most kindly intended advice could be received poorly. Keep a low profile at work unless you’re actively looking to stir the pot; it will only take a tiny spark for the whole thing to go up in smoke.


Change is coming your way this week as the eclipses ride into town. As party’s go, it’s a bit of a weird scene, with a dash of nihilism (blame Saturn) and a speak-first, think-later Mercury in charge of the playlist. Saying the wrong thing—or at the very least ruffling feathers—will be easier than usual. Even if you do manage to stay out of the drama, it’s the sort of weather where things will not go as you’d planned. That doesn’t mean that they will 100 per cent go pear-shaped, but you’d be wise to expect delays, setbacks and a need to return to the drawing board. Plan accordingly, and you’ll be ok.


The soul-searching at home continues this week as Venus continues to ask you, “Do you really love where you’re living…or who you’re living with?” Adding fuel to the fire, a very zesty Mercury suggests you’ll get some new information that could only bolster your growing sense of “I’m-not-so-sure-about-this”. On Friday, eclipse season begins. This being the first proper hit of the cycle in Pisces and Virgo, you’ll get a taste of a long-term storyline you’ll be working with over the next couple of years. Learning, development, a side hustle or even teaching could be on the cards. Notice what opportunities arise; their appearance is not by chance.


There’s a serious quality this week where things happen fast and prompt you to make some big decisions. With a new eclipse season coming in hot, you’re looking down the barrel of a new two-year story around cash, investments and all things adulting. That’s probably not terrible news given the marathon “tough love” race you’ve been running, especially around money, since Saturn went into Pisces (about 2 years ago). Venus and Mercury retrograde also look to bring in some big opportunities to reconsider where you’re investing your time and your brain power. No need to act right now, but notice what appears and how you could approach things differently.


As the energy builds all week, culminating with a lunar eclipse in Virgo, Pisces people are poised to have a front-row seat to the action. This opens up a new chapter for you and those closest to you. Notice where you’re being asked to be firm and assert boundaries—it will hint at the themes you’ll be working with over the next six months. As Mercury turns retrograde next weekend, you could find that something that seemed like a good idea early in the week isn’t so clear or reliable. Stay flexible, stay fluid, stay your lovely malleable Pisces self and you’ll be ok. If things feel overwhelming, ask yourself: Is it a mess, or is it good material for my next masterpiece?

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.


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