Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true? Three questions to keep close to your heart as you head into this peak holiday week. With potentially more family time and forced catch-ups (often with people you’re fine not seeing during the year) on the cards, the stars are issuing a very stern warning: speak mindfully.
With Mercury retrograde moving on up on Mars before a big Mars/Neptune moment, loose lips will sink ships – and then some. Add a hypersensitive full moon in Cancer into the mix (25 Dec AEST; 26 Dec GMT) and you’ve got the making of a Real Housewives reunion. Keep clear of the chaos by staying in your own lane. Repeat instructions, clarify expectations and if there are certain people who feel like a liability (especially after their second G&T), make your excuses and plan an early exit.
Hot tip: I always recommend you read your rising sign for the most resonant advice. If you don’t know it, you can work it out by casting your chart here. Want to learn more? Pick up a copy of my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee
With lunar energy reaching a peak right in time for Christmas, the mood is very conducive to some good old-fashioned family drama. Whether or not you get involved is entirely up to you, but be mindful that anything you say or do may be used against you. If you’re not in the mood to have a barney – especially with a parent – seat yourself a few people away from the familial landmine ( you know who they are) and keep your critique on the lumpy gravy or dried out turkey for the car ride home.
‘Tis the season for family reunions and this week definitely doesn’t disappoint. With a full moon in Cancer bringing lots of emotional energy to relations with your kin (especially siblings), it may be hard not to get drawn into the drama. Mind your step around any issues involving cash which look to be the root cause should misunderstandings or miscommunications arise. Plan something special on Sunday even if you’re not a NYE kinda person- the stars are very much on your side.
As Mercury retrograde and a fiery Mars team up in your relationship sphere all week, this is a very good week to watch the way you word things. Just because you didn’t intend for something to sting doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. Equally, if your partner seems a little insensitive, try to take a moment before you react. If they say, “I promise you, I really did not mean anything by that,” they’re probably not lying. The astro weather is charged for words to wound more than intended.
It may be the most wonderful time of the year (read: the Cancer full moon falling right around Christmas!) but you’ll have to tread extra carefully with other forces at play. It’s the kind of cosmic weather that could mean off-the-cuff comments land all wrong. This is your opportunity to play peacemaker (if you’ve got the energy). And if you don’t, don’t be afraid to excuse yourself for a post-lunch lie down before things get messy – rest assured they will.
Friends, family, playing host – there’s a lot to balance this week. As difficult as it may be, a little bit of restraint could do you good, especially around the full moon (25 Dec AEST; 26 Dec GMT). Too much of a good thing is entirely possible, so ask yourself – is it worth the hangover? Meanwhile, the scene is set to get the wrong end of the stick with a friend. So be extra mindful with what you arrange, and don’t commit to things you can’t deliver. By Sunday, things are looking a whole lot rosier. If an unexpected invite comes your way, say yes.
As we enter the final week of Mercury retrograde, you could be feeling the effects more than ever. With so many stakeholders in the mix – friends, parents, extended family, randoms your sibling decided to bring to Christmas lunch – it’s a lot to balance. Take plenty of breaks and if you feel things firing up, don’t be afraid to step away from the scene. You don’t need to “fix” other peoples mess. Pick your battles and unless you’re in the mood to be mediator, lay low.
No one knows how to mind their Ps and Qs like a Libran, but even you might find it tough to bite your tongue this week. With Mercury and Mars emboldening your communication sphere AND a feeling-fuelled full moon around Christmas, you’ll need to call on every last drop of diplomacy. Before you unleash, ask yourself whether you want to still be talking about this at the end of the week…because if you go there, you might be doing just that.
Money could pose a tricky situation this week as Mercury, Mars and Neptune sow the seeds for a miscommunication. Minimise the ick at holiday gatherings by spelling out exactly what’s expected. Who’s buying for who? What are you expected to bring? Are there any dietaries? It might sound like overkill but this is not the week to assume anything. Steal away with your main squeeze for on NYE when Jupiter’s station brings the sparkle to your closest relationship.
The difference in what you consider generous, host-worthy behaviour and what others expect will come up early in the week with the full moon in Cancer. You could get harumph-y about it…or you could let it go. Be warned any pass-agg comments, (no matter how under-the-radar you think they are) will most definitely hit their target. If you’re not in the mood for a holiday season showdown, keep it pleasant and brief. Mountains will be made of molehills if you’re not extremely careful. Consider yourself warned.
It’s a big week for goats with a full moon in Cancer bringing sea of heightened emotions especially in your closest relationships. It’s the sort of astro weather where your other half (or your best mate) could burst into tears for seemingly no reason. If the tears come, let them; this is not a moment to rush in and try to come up with an answer. Just let the wave of feels move through everyone and trust the process rather than fixating on a solution..
Boundaries and communication could be called into questions this week as the sky sets the mood for a whole lot of ambiguity. Whether it’s one too many Mimosas for Aunty Kris or a moody friend who forgets to bring a platter – or a game face – to friendmas, there’s every chance things could be a little weird. Minimise the awkwardness by being really clear about what you need and expect from everyone involved. Then, look forward to a thunderclap of good vibes on Sunday when Jupiter brings the warm and fuzzies feel to your home.
The Cancer full moon is always a moment for a good time, but this year with Mercury and Mars stirring the pot, it could get a little hot in the kitchen. Avoid being drawn into the drama by making sure you know exactly what you’re expected to bring and serve. This is not a week where being fashionably vague will come off charming and creative. Stay in your own lane, be kind and follow the rules – even if you don’t agree with them.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.