Now Mercury retrograde is well and truly underway, the last few days of Sagittarius season offer you an opportunity to have another crack at something you’ve been working on all month. That’s good news if you’re feeling indecisive – entirely possible given the cosmic weather, particularly mid-week.
If you can’t stand ambiguity, rest assured the solstice (22 Dec GMT and AEST) brings a significant change to the mood. Although it always marks a moment of pause and perspective, this one looks especially potent as Mercury reaches a crucial moment in its retrograde. Question marks or an impasse may finally reach a turning point. Things aren’t fixed overnight, but the outline of a game plan may begin to take shape.
Hot tip: I always recommend you read your rising sign for the most resonant advice. If you don’t know it, you can work it out by casting your chart here. Want to learn more? Pick up a copy of my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee
The uncertainty could feel like a bit of a buzzkill early in the week, when the moon and Saturn set the scene for feeling flat. The good news is, by Tuesday, you should have a better handle on things. Yes it’s annoying when someone (most likely your boss) changes their mind, but ultimately you can only control the things within your control. Things will turn a corner later in the week, so for now, keep your head down and get on with anything you can that requires complete autonomy.
Feeling limber? This week you’ll get plenty of opportunity to flex as Mercury retrograde flips the script on plans made earlier in the month. Long-distance travel look especially vulnerable, so if you’re preparing to take off for the holidays or fly home, leave those mobile notifications on LOUD. In other news, a flush of spontaneity mid-week could make for some utterly unexpected but outrageously hot tête-à-tête. A little fan fic starring your significant other could be the content you didn’t know you needed right now. Just make sure it’s going to the right person before you hit “send” – it is Mercury retrograde after all.
If you’ve got the flexibility, work from home early in the week when Saturn and the Moon cast a long shadow over the vibe at work. After a sleepy start, the week gets moving, with Mercury retrograde delivering an “a-ha” moment around cash. If you’ve been rethinking how or when to invest in something significant, the answer may become a whole lot clearer around the Solstice (Friday, all time zones). Resist the urge to rush straight out and put your plans into action…we’re still very much in planning mode.
Are we on or off? Should we do it or ditch it? The Solstice is always a big moment for Cancer folks but this one looks especially juicy for getting to the bottom of an issue with your main squeeze. Something you’ve been mulling over or maybe going around in circles about begins to make more sense this Friday. The perspective should take the pressure off what has been a potentially tricky 10 days. Celebrate with a party for two.
That thing that your co-worker seemed 100% set on, earlier in the month? Yeah… maybe they aren’t so sure after all. The back and forth is infuriating, especially for someone as decisive as you but now is not the time to fixate on the frustration. Things will get easier… but sometimes you need to go backwards before you can go forwards. So if that person needs to rethink things (like a job offer or taking on a new project) before they fully commit, let them. “Future you” will thank you for being patient, and making sure they actually want to be there before they sign on the dotted line.
If your other half has been getting on your nerves, Monday is a good day to give yourself a little space. Don’t panic, it’s a blip, but one that could have you feeling less-than-charitable should they happen to do the wrong thing (and chances are, they probably won’t). On the plus side, a breakthrough on the Solstice (Friday all time zones) could bring a fresh perspective to something that’s been grinding your gears. Blow away the cobwebs with something nerdy-but fun – scrabble, anyone?
With Mercury shuffling back through your domestic sphere, the mood at home could be a little chaotic this week. The good news is, the solstice on Friday marks a major turning point that should bring a new level of clarity or direction. Question marks might not dissolve into thin air, but the path to progress will materialise – even if you don’t yet have the time or energy to get on aforementioned path.
Crazy, out-of-nowhere trysts, just-because date-nights – they’re all a very good idea mid-week when Venus and Uranus turn up the dial on your love life. After moving past the mid-week hump, the Solstice continues to brighten your mood. If you’ve been dealing with tech issues, sibling spats or even car troubles – expect things to improve. That’s good news if your sister has been on your back about rigging Secret Santa.
Wil it happen? Won’t it happen? A dramatic see-saw that’s been going down around your financial situation reaches a flashpoint on Friday. Come the weekend, the tone changes with Mercury retrograde moving into Sagittarius. Expect all the usual Mercury retrograde hijinks to become a little more “personal”. Allow extra time to get things done and if you’re feeling tapped out, give yourself permission for a few doona days.
After a glacial 10 days that may have felt like you were trying to swim through molasses, there’s progress within reach this week. As your home season kicks off (Friday), and Mercury retrograde leaves your home sign, things are looking up…or at least, less draining. Celebrate by doing something uncharacteristically selfish – even if it’s only small. You’ve earned yourself a little treat.
An unexpected delight is on the cards this week as Venus and Uranus go toe-to-toe, offering a didn’t-see-it-coming win. Buy the raffle tickets, enter the door prize and say yes to the invite mid-week, you never know where your luck could take you. Once the Solstice rolls around, things feel a little more low-key. Let the earthy feels of Capricorn season ground you and give yourself permission to put that OOO – and stick to it.
A momentary hiccup with a friend should be one step closer to a resolution after this week with the Solstice setting the scene for progress. Once the weekend rolls around, the Mercury retrograde feels a little more murky. If you’re taking time off over the holidays, make sure you’re extra firm with your boundaries. Getting drawn back into something you thought was under control could be almost unavoidable. If you don’t want to get involved, stay off your email or leave the group chat.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.