By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes: Welcome to Scorpio Season. But First, Pluto Has a Suprise

Difficult conversations will flow, romantic relationships will be challenging. Read your weekly horoscopes now.
horoscopes, Horoscopes Scorpio 2024
Art: Kimberlee Kessler

If the past six weeks or so have left you feeling more ragged than a first timer at a sample sale, prepare to exhale. With Scorpio season preparing to land (Tuesday GMT, Wednesday AEST), there’s change on the horizon; and sometimes, something different is all you need to shake it off.

But first, we’re dealt another little Pluto surprise, this time challenging relationships and asking you to see things for what they really are. This aspect being particularly activating, may force your hand to either shove those elbows out and go for broke, or bow out and politely leave the race.

Difficult conversations should flow a little easier too, with Mercury in Scorpio blessing you with both the precision and courage to say what needs to be said about long-term challenges (especially around Tuesday GMT and AEST). By Friday (AEST and GMT, the Moon and Venus join forces in a fiery, fun glitter bomb, encouraging everyone involved to pour something sparkly and put their differences aside, at least for a night or two…


Hot on the heels of last week’s story arc, there’s one last item on the agenda to resolve before Libra season is a wrap for another year. With the Sun and Pluto igniting a sense of illumination and action, expect to discover the final piece of puzzle needed to take affirmative action. The area in focus is likely to be a one-on-one relationship dynamic, that prompts you make a decision whether to step up to the plate, or stand down; the choice is yours. Whatever you decide, plan for a little spice around Thursday (AEST and GMT) before things take a more optimistic turn just in time for the weekend.


After a month of big “rise and grind” energy, there’s a serious vibe shift on the horizon this week with Scorpio season ushering in a cool change. But first, one last little hiccup around Monday/Tuesday highlights a tense power dynamic. There could a clash of wills – possibly around work or how your choose to manage your time – that really needs to get sorted. On Wednesday, a juicy rush of watery vibes helps you connect with how you’re feeling about all the drama that’s gone down over the past few weeks, before things finally start to settle down around Friday.


There’s some fireworks afoot early in the week as the final chapter of last week’s main attraction plays out. Expect some dramatic tête-à-tête as lovers – or even kids if you have them – give you pause to ask, “Um, exactly who’s in charge of this situation?” The good news is with the Moon and Jupiter in your corner (before Wednesday), bringing a levity to conversations that are otherwise a little “robust” will help. Once the Scorpio season starts (Tuesday GMT, Wednesday AEST) things will feel a little less heightened. Throwing yourself into deliciously intense challenges of the self-care kind will be the soothing balm you’ve been craving.


Ready or not, it’s time to take a stand. The excitement of last week continues early on as Libra season delivers one more touch down before Wednesday (AEST and GMT). With the Sun going head-to-head with Pluto, the time to dig deep and find the confidence to go all in, is right now. After a moment of truth, Scorpio season brings all the feelings (Tuesday GMT; Wednesday AEST) and helps you reconnect with what truly matters – beyond the anxiety of living up to other peoples expectations. After four weeks of exactly that energy, it’s a nice departure.


There’s a refreshing shift on the horizon as the Sun sashays into Scorpio (Tuesday GMT, Wednesday AEST), bringing with it a whole lot of steely resolve and “don’t give a damn” energy. It’s not that things calm down so much as they’re just a bit less highly strung. It’s a welcome antidote to the past few weeks, a season that’s been spiked with social anxiety – even if it hasn’t been your own. Connecting to that laser focus (something Scorpio is famous for) will serve you well, especially around any major decisions or issues connected to your home life. That might tie-in to some challenges that have been unfolding in your extended family, or your business. However it manifests, stay locked on your goal and don’t be afraid to stay the course.


As a newfound optimism spreads through your home and family life (thank Venus in Sagittarius), connecting to a vision that “maybe things will be ok after all” should be a little bit easier. Hold onto those gentler feelings this week as you navigate some otherwise explosive energy – especially around cash. It’s an ongoing discussion (or confrontation as the case may be) and although necessary, it won’t resolve itself magically in one sitting. Tuesday looks juicy for getting to the heart of what’s going on emotionally before Scorpio season (Tuesday GMT, Wednesday AEST) offers you some much-needed steadiness to remain focussed and see things through to completion.


There’s no rest for the wicked – or the charming – as the last days of Libra season wrap up with a bang. Building on the momentum of last week’s space weather Pluto bowls one final surprise your way before Wednesday (AEST and GMT). While the information might take your breath away, the broader issue isn’t new (This? Again? Really?). This is something that has been – and will continue – to be a pressure point for another month. Thankfully, the start of Scorpio season should bring a little more stability to the overall vibe – albeit somewhat less outgoing. Tread carefully at work towards the end of the week when the Moon and Mars make people (especially anyone in a more senior role) especially sensitive.


Keep your eyes peeled early in the week as Libra season’s final moments deliver a little surprise that could set the cat amongst the pigeons. The main event for you this week is the beginning of your home season (Tuesday GMT, Wednesday AEST), which should feel a whole lot more stable than the past few weeks. Connecting to your sense of confidence and focussing on the things that actually matter (as opposed to whatever has been taking up your time in Libra season) will help you feel a little bit more “yourself”. Some of the nicest moments come towards the end of the week when Venus and the Moon collaborate to bring a little moment of serendipity at work.


An interesting power dynamic within your social set comes to a head this week, as Pluto and the Sun have a little tussle before Scorpio season begins (Tuesday GMT, Wednesday AEST). You can get involved, or pour yourself something strong and watch the drama unfold. Ultimately it probably isn’t your battle, so if you’re not interested in having it out, approach this “moment” as a spectator sport. On the flip side, when the sun does move into Scorpio, you’re getting an astrological cue to take things slow. Mind your words (Thursday AEST, Wednesday GMT) when sensitivities are running extra high.


It’s another big week for Capricorns with the skies promising lots of Main Character Energy – especially before the middle of the week. With your professional life battling it out against who you are off duty, you could find yourself on the brink of some big decisions. There’s definitely an opportunity to live your very own bumper sticker – feel the fear and do it anyway, etc. Once you’ve made your decision, the dust hasn’t settled long before you find your other half – or someone else close – has a major wobble (Wednesday GMT, Thursday AEST). Even if it feels overly dramatic, be nice; not everyone is as masterfully stoic as you.


Feeling a little frazzled? It’s not just you, it’s in the air. With Jupiter and the Moon colluding early in the week, conversation is key to navigating sticky situations. Addressing the elephant in the room is most definitely the best way to move beyond any heaviness. Talk is key, and it needn’t be laboured – keep things as bouncy as you can to try shift any awkwardness. In the middle of the week, a big rush of feels will help reconcile resentment with responsibilities. Again, talking rather than fermenting is a good idea. One word of warning: your words could be a little more pointed – or land a little more sharply – than you intend.


The moments of truth and consequence continue this week, but for now, the action is at least one person removed from you (yay!). That’s good news if you’ve been feeling the aftershocks of the recent eclipse season a little too deeply (which, you probably have, because, Pisces!). In other news, there’s some more creative flow coming in the form of Scorpio season (Wednesday GMT, Thursday AEST). With emotions and intuition taking the lead, getting stuck into anything artistic or lofty will be an excellent escape from any annoying crossfire.

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.


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