By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes October 14–20: Some Wild Astro Weather Is On Its Way

Astrologer Emma Vidgen guides you through when to brace for impact, when to stay present and when to act.
Art: Kimberlee Kessler

Halloween may not be quite here yet but there’s a definite “trick or treat” kind of feel to this week. With a smorgasbord of epic space weather coming our way, it’s all about picking your moment, and staying present when the big feelings arise.

As the moon waxes towards a very spicy full moon in Aries (Thursday AEST and GMT) there’s a sense of anticipation and urgency building all week. On the flipside, the Sun and Jupiter will be working in unison, creating an airy, chatty ease that should help anything that requires social nous. Another little pep up comes in a wave of emotional insight, offering clarity on how you really feel about something (or someone)(Tuesday AEST; Wednesday GMT).

Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at to learn your sign.

Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.


This week, you’re going on a truth hunt. You can’t go under it, you can’t go over it, you’ll have to go through it. With Pluto, the sun and the moon creating a special blend of fireworks, there’s the unmistakable feeling you can’t “unsee” something that’s perhaps been in your peripheral vision for some time. This is an important time to pay attention to the tensions between your sense of self, and your closest relationships; your career and ambition and your sense of safety. If it feels pressured, it is! You’re being prompted to make changes; take note.


Expect to have more than a couple of lightbulb moments as the pressure builds towards a full moon later in the week. Clarity around a friendship dilemma has the potential for deep healing – maybe even an olive branch – around Wednesday. Later, the full moon could coincide with seeing a situation for how it really is. In the moment, that realisation could feel a little jarring, but ultimately, understanding where you stand will serve you better in the long run. Try (if you can) to stay philosophical. Ignorance is not always bliss.


All the flighty, light energy courtesy of Jupiter and the Sun will feel especially gratifying for Gemmies this week. The levity is a nice antidote to the other side of the coin which is, “intense” to say the least. With the full moon firing up your social sphere, expect dramas in or around the lives of your friends. On the flip side, single folks could find things coming to a head with a situationship that’s been on the simmer – or boil as the case may be. Hold onto that Libra season diplomacy to help keep things in perspective.


The full moon feels like a moment of truth this week, as a dynamic in one of your close relationships becomes a core focus. As the lunation ignites a tension between home and work, finding a way to balance your own needs with your innate desire to keep the people around you happy (and comfortable) will be a challenging dance. With Pluto also bringing the drama, it’s more of a tango than a fox trot. Still, there’s some progress to be made here, even if the initiation into the “next level” feels a little turbulent.


There’s a lot of action this week as the moon builds towards a fiery showdown. With both Aries and Libra energy activated, there’s a juggle between what you want and what you think everyone else wants you to do. Consider the possibility that what you think others expect, is actually a projection of your own shadow (read: something you want, but don’t feel comfortable owning). If you’re a Leo rising, it may come down to a sense of duty to extended family vs a desire to spread your wings and fly the coop. Wherever it’s landing, the bigger question will be how you manage your own needs and immediate goals with a broader social dynamic.


Walking the line between “me” and “we” is never easy for “how can I help you?” earthy types (read: you), but that’s exactly what you’re being asked to do this week. Your challenge? To find a path where you can maintain a sense of self-preservation without straight up burning bridges. With both Pluto and Mars involved, burning the aforementioned bridge will be extremely tempting – even for the most measured among us. The sore point may be money, or how you share other precious resources (time, your body, your energy). As the last full week of Libra season ignites a tug of war, finding a happy medium between “whatever you like” and “GTFU” will be a work in progress.


Anyway you dice it, your sense of balance will feel a little wobbly this week. As you tap dance to try and regain a sense of equilibrium, all those big eclipse season lessons around self-sufficiency, confidence and people pleasing will come up… again. Mars and Pluto are also on hand to make sure there’s no escaping this (possibly inconvenient) truth. Don’t panic, this is not a static story that will simply end the second you make a decision. The small readjustments to find your balance will continue long after Libra season, it’s just that this week, they’ll be extremely noticeable.


Power plays! Truth bombs! Moments of realisation! This week has got it all. With your ruling planets (Mars and Pluto) extremely activated, and a full moon to boot, there’s every chance that things could progress quickly. If you’ve been waiting for an answer on something at work, expect a decision. “Resolution” maybe isn’t quite the right word, but there’s certainly a development that will raise a few eyebrows. In other news, the middle of the week looks kind of lovely for a little clandestine rendezvous. Last minute hotel stay? Don’t mind if you do.


There’s something kind of intriguing about this week – especially if you’ve got a stomach for excitement. As a full moon ignites action, and maybe a little bit of drama, there’s no escaping the sense of “something big is gonna happen!”. Honesty shall run freely (just as you like it) with even the most reserved people in your circle finding their voice. That, in and of itself, might be the thing that takes your breath away. But once you’ve picked your jaw off the ground, your job is to figure out how to find a way forward that feels authentic to what you need, without completely disregarding your responsibilities.


Ready to take things up a level? This week’s astrology invites you to step right up and face your fears head on. As you’re dealt a major “test” following eclipse season, the challenge will be to find your footing and maintain composure even when you’re feeling totally overwhelmed. It may sound scary but the transformation and catharsis on offer are too significant to let pass you by. It’s also just another stone in the long, winding highway to mastery you’re paving; remember that if things are feeling more final than you’d like.


No amount of leaning out or keeping your own counsel will shelter you from the heightened vibes of this week. The good news is, with a supportive aspect from the Sun and Jupiter early on, there’s the chance to grease the wheels and get some things done, especially if you’re busy getting something creative off the ground. After a moody little interlude mid-week, the main event is a full moon which challenges you to be both honest and vulnerable; selfish and selfless. It’s a potent blend of big feelings, but with presence (and a dash of grit) you could come out the other side a little wiser.


The eclipse season medicine continues, almost like an epilogue, this week, as the sky invites you to look back (again) at big money stories. With a full moon triggering moments of truth, there’s a watershed moment or realisation to be had around cash. Switching off and tuning out are not an option, as Pluto and Mars pile on and facilitate tricky conversations. Get the jump on “the work” by reflecting on your attitudes towards abundance, and consider how things might feel different if you put your own needs just a few rungs above where they usually sit.

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.