The ‘which way is up?’ flavour continues this week as eclipse season brings a swirly, emotionally charged mood. There’s a lack of visibility, and your perception of space and time may feel a little fluid; kind of like a being in a floatation tank.
Before you jump to conclusions, take a moment to remember floatation tanks are a vibe. Indeed some folks pay to go to a liminal space where time and senses are suspended.
The appeal, is the lack of visibility – it’s all about the float. So this week, if you’re struggling to see where you’re headed or what’s going on, remember this is your chance to float too. No struggle, no striving, just hanging out is fine for now.
Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at theastrologyofyou.com to learn your sign.
Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.
Aries and Aries rising
How’s your sense of balance and restraint in relationships right now? As the equinox (22 September GMT) highlights intimate relationship dynamics, a surprising realisation about something or someone close to you, your sense of equanimity will be tested. A wave of emotion could also complicate things (thanks Venus, Saturn and Mars). Wobbling is all part of the dance. The way you recover when you falter will matter more than landing everything perfectly.
Taurus and Taurus rising
Relinquishing control doesn’t come easily but this week Venus, mars, Saturn and Pluto ensure you’re getting a very solid masterclass in going with the flow this week. As the Equinox (22 September GMT) and Libra season ignites your desire for order and balance in your day to day routines, a decidedly dramatic development – possibly with a significant female figure – could leave you a little breathless. All the feels are coming on strong, but rather dodging what’s going on within, try to lean into what comes up and just be with what it is. There’s more to know, and this is not the week to rush into taking action.
Gemini and Gemini rising
The pressure valve continues to be released to some extent as the Equinox and Libra season shifts focus, casting a spotlight on your creative endeavours. Leaning into the process of play or making things (if that’s your jam) will be a sweet escape from some otherwise dramatic astro weather. Tread carefully at work, especially with anyone you manage as the potential for things to get messy, quickly is extra heightened. When emotions arise, name them and, if you can, just let them be. This too shall pass.
Cancer and cancer rising
You’re empathetic at the best of times, but this week you might notice everyone seems a little more tuned in. The simmering irritation you might be feeling the past week since Mars moved into your home sign is quelled to somewhat this week, with Venus sweeping in to take the edge off. As the desire to cut loose and indulge feels almost irresistible, busying yourself with things that just feel good will be a potent distraction – especially towards the end of the week. The state of flux around home/work is major, so don’t beat yourself up for needing a little treat.
Leo and Leo rising
The week kicks off with a bang for Leo folks as Venus moves into Scorpio igniting fireworks close to home. While a surprising reaction or show of affection could catch you off guard, there’s more change and disruption in store before eclipse season is out. The challenge is to maintain a sense of perspective and empathy even if the people in front of you aren’t always a picture of restraint themselves.
Virgo and Virgo rising
Fresh from last week’s eclipse the excitement continues this week. A surprising revelation from someone in close proximity (think: neighbours or family) – could take you by surprise. Things could escalate quickly but just because the rest of the room are losing it doesn’t mean you need to join in. Listen with interest but reserve judgement; there’s a bigger shakeup coming next week when eclipse season reaches its conclusion. For now, the trick is in doing nothing at all.
Libra and Libra rising
A realisation or exchange around cash could really set the week off on a dramatic note. Despite it being your home season there’s a lot of big unwieldy emotions in the mix. Finding a sense of grace and acceptance in spite of whatever you’re being dealt is key. Less trying to manufacture outcomes and more letting the cards fall where they may. Confusing? Yes. Overwhelming? Possibly. You don’t need all the answers – especially this week. It will make more sense after next week.
Scorpio and Scorpio rising
As the sun gives Scorpios their annual signal to go ground and you enter the (theoretically) most restorative season of your year, staying out of trouble may be easier said than done. With Mars, Saturn and Venus highlighting big emotions and Pluto triggering an overwhelming urge to do something aesthetically drastic (irreversibly short fringe perhaps?) just try and keep you away from the scissors.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising
A power move or overflow of emotion from someone you work with sets the cat amongst the pigeons early on in the week. With Libra season pulling focus on the importance of social connection, you’ll do well to find some lightness in friends despite the otherwise wild space energy. Now is not the time to make a cheeky joke and expect it to just get laughed off. Sensitivities are on high alert. You may call it “easily triggered” weather. Consider yourself warned.
Capricorn and Capricorn rising
Your irritation with someone close to you eases ever so slightly this week as Venus moves into Scorpio. If you’re not feeling cheesed off, chances are someone nearby is. Either way the energy feels a little less slippery, especially after the start of the week. As we await the next big astro moment, your only task is to hang loose and try not to control the outcome every little thing that crosses your path. There’s still way too many variables in play…
Aquarius and Aquarius rising
A pleasant surprise could catch you off guard early in the week as Venus sweeps into your professional sphere offering the chance for a transformative change. Elsewhere the energy is heightened as a whole lot of water energy makes the people around you – especially at work – a little more prickly than you expect. Keep your head down to avoid getting sucked into the drama, feedback will not be well received, at least not right now.
Pisces and Pisces rising
Fancy a little sneaky cry? No one would blame you this month/quarter/year has been a lot. This week, the usual rationality of Libra season is overwhelmed by big watery vibes. The result? A good old-fashioned churn of all the feelings you’ve been trying to keep a lid on in the name of just surviving and getting through what you had to. Now is not the time to fight the feeling. This is ugly crying weather at its absolute best, and sometimes nothing feels quite as good. So tee up your favourite tearjerker and go for gold.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.
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