By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes August 19–25: Here’s How To Navigate This Week’s Full Moon

This specific full moon has historically been one to reassess big pictures things. But this year is different, says astrologer Emma Vidgen

Art: Kimberlee Kessler

After weeks of “what’s going on?” the penny drops this week as the Aquarian full moon (Monday GMT; Tuesday AEST) does not disappoint. Historically, this particular full moon (which falls every Leo season) is always a moment in the astro calendar to zoom out and pull focus on the bigger picture, but this year, it’s serving even more insights than usual, plus quite a few surprises. Uranus is bringing the electricity, supercharging our ability to think outside the box, while Mercury, also deeply ensconced in this lunar moment, is making sense of the chaos and confrontation dominating the past couple of weeks.

It’s not perfect, and it may not be the answer you’ve been hoping for, but sometimes knowing is better than being left to ruminate over what’s really going on. Take that sense of enlightenment with you into the rest of the week. Philosophical detachment will serve you well as Jupiter and Saturn clash. As Captain No (aka Saturn) continues to make progress extremely slow, keeping things light and malleable (with help from Jupiter) will mean you won’t get stuck in the “too hard” basket.

Mars and Venus also face off (21-23) signaling spicy exchange and some very wordy stimulation. The end of the week sees the Sun shift into Virgo, igniting our desire for productivity. But realistically, until Mercury stations to go direct next week (29 August), things will be slow. Manage your expectations and you won’t be disappointed.

Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at to learn your sign.

Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.


The hits keep coming at work this week, your mission is to decide: do you actually want to be involved with the drama? With Venus and Mars in a major strop, it’s the kind of astro weather where things can and will be taken the wrong way. Words are weapons, so if you’re wanting to kick the hornets’ nest, you’ll most definitely get a reaction. Otherwise, stay in your own lane and keep your observations to yourself. With Mercury still in reverse, you’d do wisely to wait and see what’s to come before you share your findings.


There’s quite the epiphany in store this week with a full moon illuminating major realisations around the most important scenes in your life. The big reveal could connect the dots between a source of restlessness and your own home or work situation. That’s not to say there’s a neat resolution, but there will be some clarity, and just the simple joy of knowing what the score is will help you feel a bit less untethered. An ongoing saga in a friend’s life (or even within the storyline of your friendship) is also activated. Lean into humour when, and if, things feel heavy.


Putting things down to experience is one of your superpowers and it’s a strength you can flex this week. First cab off the rank, the full moon in Aquarius is highlighting all the things you know… and a few things you don’t. Don’t fret over things falling into the latter camp – life would be truly miserable for you if there was nothing left to learn. As the week gets underway, pay attention to situations where optimism clashes with realism. What does it evoke in you? What camp do you lean towards? And what wisdom is there to be gleaned from both approaches? Remember, it’s all a learning process.


Make the most of the big bouncy full moon, helping start the week off right for crab-folk. Harnessing that lunar energy to get out and about will help shift the stagnation that Mercury retrograde may be harvesting. On Monday night, venture into a store on your way home from work and you could find yourself dropping a small fortune. But if you can afford it, and it feels right, it might be just what you need. As the week evolves drama with siblings or even neighbours could cause headaches. If it all feels too much, politely excuse yourself and make a sneaky exit.


Your home season has been somewhat hampered this year by Mercury retrograde but at least the final few days look appropriately dazzling. This full moon in Aquarius lights up your closest relationships and beckons you to find your people and keep them close. A little surprise appearance from someone important adds a little sparkle you weren’t expecting. Carry that levity into the rest of the week and hold onto your shine as long as you can. A friend in need – or in crisis – could continue to feel like a bit of a responsibility. You choose where your line is and don’t be afraid to hold it.


Fresh from the realisations coming in hot on Monday – especially about the people you trust the least – the excitement continues this week. With Jupiter and Saturn battling it out most of the working week, there’s a grinding tension between what could be and what is likely to be. Yes things can be better, but what is actually feasible, practical, doable? These are the questions you’ll be pondering and the very things that could lead to a confrontation as Venus and Mars lock horns, forcing you to articulate everything you don’t want. Not your favourite place to be, but necessary all the same. Don’t hold back.


The fun of the full moon early in the week is a great chance to let off steam and give thanks for all the amazing, crazy, wouldn’t-change-them-for-the-world people you call friends. With Uranus bringing the weird, and the moon supercharging your social and creative spheres, there’s never been a better excuse for a Monday night girls dinner. Later in the week, staying out of the “yes we can!” and “no we absolutely cannot!” back and forth at work could take some masterful manoeuvering. But if anyone has the flex and diplomacy emerge unscathed from the crossfire, it’s you.


With four planets (Jupiter and Saturn, and Venus and Mars) in the ring it this week, there’s a hum of drama you just can’t avoid. Your peak moment is definitely Monday’s full moon, which is giving otherworldly glam, with a generous side of plot twist – especially at work. Later in the week, you’re more likely to be a witness than a lead character in the commotion. Don’t be jealous, this is not a storyline you’d want for yourself. Instead, get ready to flex your best supporting actor chops as friends navigate some serious philosophical dilemmas.


To be, or not to be – that is the question this week. But first, let your hair down and indulge your silly side on Monday. It may not be a night you usually do much beyond a load of washing, but this one is too playful to not do organise something last minute. You’ve got to take the fun with the grind, and there could be a bit of that on offer as the week rolls on. Lofty visions are tempered by sobering reality. Leaning too far into either perspective will leave you off balance, so consider how you can take the best from both and try to work with what you’ve got.


Thoughts and brainwaves around how you spend and/or how you earn money dominate the start of the week. With the Aquarius full moon inspiring innovation and experimentation, there’s never been a better time to get curious and ask yourself whether doing things differently – be it a new bank, financial planner or side hustle – could pay off. Later, disagreement between someone – the eternal optimist – and someone…well, just not, creates an atmosphere of discord. If you can maintain a distance, the philosophical clash will make for some pretty compelling viewing.


You’re on form early this week as the final days of Leo season deliver one of the most delightfully Aquarian moments of the month. Experimentation, playfulness and clarity diverge to help make sense of something that’s been feeling a little hard to articulate. Hold onto that quirky, energising quality as you make your way through the rest of the week. Big developments look set to unfold, although you’re more likely to be a spectator than embracing main character energy. Even still, there’s some lessons to be gleaned as things take shape.


There’s a stop/start feel to the majority of this week that could feel a little discombobulating. As positivity clashes with cynicism, finding a way to integrate the best of both perspectives will be your greatest challenge. Getting caught up in semantics is a very real danger too as Mars and Venus pave the way for fireworks. On the flipside that Mars/Venus energy can fuel some very spicy foreplay. If words are your weakness, you could be in for a very pleasing encounter.

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.