By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes August 12–18: Welcome To The Peak Week Of Retrograde

One of the rockier weeks on the cosmic calendar, astrologer Emma Vidgen helps you navigate the next seven days. Remember, pick your battles!
Art: Kimberlee Kessler

This week, as we head into the peak period of the retrograde, the vibe intensifies as we’re asked to consider: what’s really worth fighting for? As we continue to retrace our decisions from weeks gone by (especially 2 – 6 August), this week Mars and Jupiter get in on the action, promising Below Deck levels of drama. The result is a heightened mood where audacity (yours or theirs) could push things beyond the usual state of play.

But that’s not all. With Saturn also coming to the party, capitalising on all that mettle won’t be easy. Saturn, aka the cosmic handbrake, is coming in from the side, making sure any fast and loose plans don’t get off the ground quite so fast. All this amongst the backdrop of Mercury retrogrades BAU mischief? Yep, it’s going to be quite a trip!

So what to do, and how do you make sense of it? Well for starters, choose your battles. Saturn’s stronghold over situations means that no matter how revved up you get, progress will be slow. You can talk and reason until you’re blue in the face (and with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, the words will come easily to do exactly that), but no matter how you phrase it, there’s just no swaying some folks. It’s a battle of wills, the question is, do you have the energy to fight ‘til the bitter end, and if you do, is it actually worth it?

Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at to learn your sign.

Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.


Looking to sign a major deal? All signs point to: wait and see, at least for this week. With Mercury retrograde stirring the pot at work, the overall equilibrium is already out of whack. And as trigger-happy as you may be to get a deal done or move full speed ahead with a project – especially anything commercial – you’re better off sitting tight and spending longer thinking things through. Yes, the bravado you’re feeling is inspiring but may result in you biting off more than you can chew. Unexpected information next weekend could help you see things a little more clearly.


The spend-a-thon continues this week as Mars and Jupiter get together and inspire a blowout for the history books. That could manifest as maxing out your credit card in a matter of hours or putting a down payment on a girls trip you weren’t even planning on taking. Either way you’ll feel the pinch once you’ve watched the cash leaving your account. If you’re not too caught up in the excitement of the spend, ask yourself, how will you feel tomorrow, or next month when your car needs servicing (boring, but necessary). Is it sustainable? Is it worthwhile? Is it what you truly want?


Fasten your seatbelts because Gemmies are coming in hot this week. Mars and Jupiter light a match under you, igniting a fire and passion beyond your usual spectrum of excitement. That’s great if you need to dig deep and find the courage to do something terrifying, but could leave workmates – especially higher-ups – feeling a little cold. Remember, we are in Mercury retrograde, what you mean to say may not come out the way you intended. If it all feels too fraught, sleep on it before you make your grandstand or pitch your big idea. Next weekend, Mercury and Uranus suggest some new information that could change the way you’re feeling about something…stay tuned!


While the low-key chaos continues around communications, things heat up this week courtesy of a Mars, Jupiter and Saturn getting completely entangled. That could mean long-haul travel plans hit a big roadblock, or you just generally feel a little bit on edge. If someone gets your heckles up, trust your gut. Your instinct is second to none, and if it looks like a rat and smells like a rat…chances are it’s a rat. Next weekend, some new information could flip the script on a financial situation and help you see things completely differently.


It’s a drama, drama, drama this week – and not necessarily the kind you like (yes, there is such a thing). As friends or acquaintances let loose making some wild manoeuvres, steering clear of the commotion may be a matter of self-preservation. Sure you could pile on and get in on the action (new tatts at 2am on Tuesday morning anyone?), or try to be the voice of reason and warn them that they’re going overboard. The reality is they’re probably not going to listen. So you decide whether or not you want to say your piece so it’s on the record (may be helpful don’t the track when they ask ‘why did you let me get this haircut!!’). Or, if that all feels too much, you could always stay home. You do you boo.


The sky is turning up the pressure this week and like it or not you’ve got a front-row seat to the action. While energy and clarity may be thin on the ground, the real drama is happening around the desire to move at lightning speed to get things done. As much as the solution seems clear and simple, don’t expect things to go to plan. With a nay-sayer in your midst, getting things beyond the planning stages is unlikely. You could have it out, but is getting into it really worth the heartache when this person just can’t be told? The choice is yours, but if you’re looking to preserve your energy, let this one go through to the keeper.


If you’re feeling a failure to launch kind of energy this week – especially at work – don’t be surprised. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are at odds creating a sense of tension between getting it done, and going back to the drawing board. The challenge to your co-workers’ relentless tenacity is someone, or something reminding them of the risks. Whichever way you dice it, it’s spicy, and that’s the opposite of how you like things to pan out – balanced, cordial, empathetic – which could feel like a huge energy drain. Do yourself a favour and step back from any workplace politics unless you’re really gagging to get involved.


An unexpected expense – or big financial undertaking – could send you into a bit of a tailspin this week. While you may feel emboldened to take a leap and go for broke on a big purchase or commitment, getting the deal done may not be as straightforward as you like. Resist the temptation to keep throwing more money at a situation in order to close the deal – it won’t make things progress any faster. Save yourself the cash and sit tight – the extra time gives you a little longer to think things through.


There’s a little more “support crew” work to be done this week as people around you feel the heat of some intense astrology. Despite their best intentions or loftiest visions, a setback could take the wind out of their sails putting them off balance. If you get the opportunity, head them off at the pass from making knee-jerk manoeuvres, and try to divert their enthusiasm towards something a little less reliant on other people’s mood. If they can’t be diverted (highly likely) be kind. Either way they’ll be grateful to have you by their side in the long run.


A battle of wills in the workplace could come to a head this week as Mars and Jupiter inspire bold action to charge ahead at any cost. But as much as you may want to capitalise on the extremely productive energy, moving forward with someone else’s grand plan will be easier said than done. As Saturn lurches in from the side and throws a spanner in the works, you’re better placed to bide your time – if you have the choice – than throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. This is a battle of wills but you don’t necessarily have to be one of the headline acts if you keep your head down and let someone else have it out.


Hardest, faster, stronger! You may have all the dynamism in the world firing you up to charge ahead – especially with anything creative or playful – but getting the greenlight won’t be easy. Honour the planetary rhythms and choose your timing; this is not a week to bulldoze your way forward no matter how inspired or confident you feel. There is a speed bump for a reason and when you hit it, the forced slowdown is meant to give you time to review what it is you’re trying to achieve, and improve your plans where necessary.


The hits keep coming this week as the retrograde kicks up a gear. As things heat up with family or flatmates, the tension to get something (a conversation or confrontation) over and done with will reach fever pitch. The problem is no matter how gallantly you approach the situation, making progress will be extremely difficult. The question becomes not so much, “what do we do next?” or “how can I convince you this is a great idea?” but rather, “do we have to have this conversation right now?” If it’s not urgent, do yourself a favour and hold your tongue (at least for now) – it’s just not worth the energy.

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.